Hardware Support           Touch Screen PC and Hand Held Support for PDAs  (Linux ARM – Linux i386 – CE (Pocketpc Windows Mobile) – WEPOS - XP – XP Embedded - VISTA – Windows 2000.

Multi Language                 Multi Language support by Clerk (English, Asian & European).

Departments                      Multiple Department Levels             

PLU Grouping                   Multiple Levels 

PLUs                                     600,000 subject to configuration                                     

PLU Types                          PLU – PLU 1 – PLU 2 - MPN

Group PLU                          Use alternative PLU codes (PLU1 PLU2 or MPN) to enter a identical reference number that will reference a Group of Products that will display on the keyboard map for selection.

PLU Search                         Search for a PLU (PLU, PLU 1, PLU 2 or MPN) by short name and long namer or Alpha.

PLU Cost                             Cost price for calculating % profit against sales.

Modifier PLUs                    Allows the creation of a Modifier PLU that associates to the serving of another PLU.

PLU Sell Levels                 5 levels by Department, with 10 sell units (size) pricing. 

Sell Unit Sizes                     Allows the sale of products by its multiple serving sizes (Eg: single, six pack, 12 pack or 24 pack) from a single key selection.  

Scan Codes                        Multiple scan codes (barcodes) per sell unit

Taxes                                    Multiple Taxes per PLU sell unit.

Loyalty Rewards               Setup reward & redemption points by Department, PLU, Sell Level or Sell Unit.                    

Part Qty Sell                        Sell a PLU by a part quantity. (4 decimal places)

Returns                                                Return a Product, Credit a Product or Swap a Product.

Price Negotiation              Display a PLU for customer price negotiation purchase by disc %, $, GP% or mark-up profit %.

Clerk Multi Draw                                Assign a Clerk to a Cash Draw

Clerk Log-in                        Manual, Swipe Card, Dallas iButton©, RFID or Finger Print Recognition

Clerk IDs                              5 x  ID methods  RFID – Iris – Credit Card – Phone – Drivers License. 

Clerk Job                             Assign a Clerk to a Job

Clerk Time Attendance   Records start time – start break – finish break - finish time by job description and can be printed out for Payroll preparation or exported to a third party payroll package.

Clerk Sections                   Assign a Clerk to a section.

Clerk Order Stacking       Multiple incomplete sales orders.

Multi Clerk                           Multiple Clerks operating the ECR at the same time.

Customer IDs                     5 x ID methods  RFID – Iris – Member Card – Phone – Drivers License. 

Recall TransactionRecall a customers previous purchase by time/date, receipt or account.

Scroll BackView ECR transactions by scroll back method.

Promotional Discounts  $, %, discounting by item or order.

Promotion Scheduler      Run a promotion by Date/time or reoccurring event

Promotion Sales               By time/date, Department, PLU group or PLU– sell level - mix and match – 2 for one - buy X and get X free - price break quantity – happy hour – promotion discount % with rounding to $ or cents.

Combo Deal                        Combo meal can have its own PLU and sell other products (burger, fries and a coke for $5) – select a drink

Up-size                                 Allows you to swap or upsize an item without voiding the whole order.

Change Pricing                 This allows the ECR or a Hand Held  to change its products and pricing details for sales into dual or different department locations.

Hot Key                                Builds a keyboard map on the fly from an existing Table - Bar Tab or Client Account.

Last Order                           Builds a keyboard map of the last order on a Table - Bar Tab or Client Account – allows you to select another round.

Quick Payments                $1 $2 $5  $10  $20 $50 $100 quick payment cash keys.

Split Payments                   By Cash  – Table – Bar Tabs or Client Account sales.

Multiple Tender                 Cash - EFT POS – Cheques - Credit Cards - Points – Vouchers – Coupons Gift  Cards or Multi Currency.

Credit Card Fee                 X % added to a credit card payment

NO Sale                                                No sale opens cash draw

Cash Out                             Tracks Cash paid out.

PSA                                        Poor Service Alert blinks when service time of food and liquor has taken longer than the specified scheduled time for the first customer purchase.

 SCA                                      Service Complaint Alert – register a customer’s complaint which includes, Time, Date, Table, Sale, Client Account, Bar Tab, Room Account by 10 definable Groups,  Meal, Waiter Service, Bar Service, Beverage, Staff, Manager (user definable) and print out a complaint list to a 4 inch printer or view it on screen.

Stock tracking                   Min Max reorder - Inward stock – Stock usage Stock on hand.  

Sell Down                            Sell Down warning stock low – Sell Down warning out of stock.

Stock Reports                    Reorder value, Inwards, Adjustments, Value O/H, Usage, Reorder sold.

Labour Costing                 Estimates cost of labor against sales.              

Print a ReceiptSet printer receipt by ECR “print auto”  “print manual”

 Cocktail Builder                  For Cocktail Products not set-up in the ECR - the Operator can build up a customer requested cocktail from a special Cocktail Mixture with pricing set-up in the ECR, you can also set a forced price service fee or enter manually.

Example 1             (Set Mixture Pricing)

1 x Cocktail  

2 x Vodka   $ 2.00      
1 x Martini  $ 1.00
1 x Shaken $ 2.00  (labour)
Total             $ 5.00   
The ECR stores the sales records as 1 Cocktail $ 5.00 - however, the ECR stores the quantity and price for the individual mixtures (items) used to make up the Cocktail so accurate data can be  posted to a third party stock control system. 

Example 2             (Zero Mixture Pricing)
1 x Cocktail $ 5.00
2 x Vodka    $ 0.00      
1 x Martini   $ 0.00

The Cocktail sell price is fixed?? or manually entered when set to zero mixture pricing and shown in the Sales Records as 1 Cocktail   $ 5.00 - however, the ECR stores the quantity of the individual mixtures used at a zero price so that accurate data can be posted  to a third party stock control system.


Graphical Tables              Create floor plan – drag drop tables to join tables  


Restaurant Areas Set-up areas - Smoking, Non Smoking , Garden, Mezzanine, Street.


Sections                               Set-up sections within the restaurant areas.- assign a table to a restaurant section. 


Server Area                         Assign a Server  to a defined section area.


Swap Sections                 Temporarily assign a table from one server’s section to another server’s section, table will swap back at the end of shift.


Table Status Alert             Alerts the server as to which tables are  “Available”  “Open Bill”  “Available Soon”.

Cash Sale                            Change from graphical tables to a quick serve cash sale tender by clerk.


Forced Covers                  Forces the server to enter how many people at the Table

Split Account                     Asks you how many people is the account split by and automatically creates split separate accounts.

Split Share Item                 Split an item for billing and share an item for cutlery or just share an item without splitting the bill.


Forced Modifiers              Must select a modifier from a selection list.


Forced Question              Must select from the question list – like Rare, Med Rare, Med, Well Done.


Manual Modifiers              Manually add a PLU to another PLU (add a beer to a steak meal on the fly).


Text Modifiers                    Select or manually enter a text instruction or modifier to an item.


Text Messaging                 Select or manually enter a text message and send to the kitchen or bar printer.

Change Printer                  Temporarily change the items printer grouping. (eg: Starter is to be served with the Entrées)


Multi Payments                  Multiple payments on the same Table bill.

Points RedeemedPay a Table account by points.

Tagging Items                    Tag items on a Table account for part payment or transfer to another account.

Seat Numbering                                Add items to a Table account by seat location.

Seat Payment                     Pay the Table Account by seat or group of seats.

Table Transfer                   Transfer a Table account to a Client account or Room account.

No & Extra PLU                  Add to or delete – by user defined items (e:g Extra Mushrooms or No Mushrooms).

No & Extra                           Add or delete - by a recipe item used in the recipe to make up the item. (eg: No Salt or Extra Pepper) 

Gratuity Charge                Forced gratuity % on Tables over X persons seated or by all transactions on certain days – or charged by % or $ amount on the end of the order total.  
Service Charge                  Forced service charge on Special Days - Tables over X persons seated – Client account or Cash sales by % increase on the PLU item.



Auto Numbering               Numbering range (001 to 999) can be set by each ECR to be a different range.

Auto Numbering               With Table location, seat and person.

Separate PaymentsPay individually on the one Bistro with multiple orders.


Hold Kitchen PrintPrint after the last customer has paid for the Bistro order.

Tagging Items                    Tag items for payment or transfer to another account.

Bistro Transfer                  Transfer order to a Client account.

Points RedeemedPay a Bistro account by points.



Bar Tab                                Create a temporary Bar Tab (account) that can have an approved credit card authorised for payment with print out approval and prior customer signature.

Split Share Item                 Split an item for billing or share an item for glasses or just share an item without splitting the bill.

Split PaymentsMultiple payments by customers on the Bar Tab.

Points RedeemedPay a Bar Tab by points.

Tagging Items                    Tag items for payment or transfer to a Client, Table or Room account.

Bar Tab Transfer              Transfer Bar Tab to a Table – Room or Client Account.



Select Accounts                                By Magnetic Card, Client Number or Selecting from a List.

Setup Accounts                                By Magnetic card, Client number or Membership card.

Transfer Table                  Transfer a Table account to a Client account.

Transfer Bistro                                  Transfer a Bistro account to a Client account.

Transfer Bar Tab              Transfer a Bar Tab to a Client account.

Transfer RoomTransfer a Room account to a Client account.

Client Payments Change can be given back or credited to the Client account.

Points RedeemedPay a Client account by points.

Credit Limit                         Select no credit/maximum credit limit or prepay an amount on a Client Account. 

Customer DetailsDate of Birth, Phone (Cell Hm Work), Billing Address, Home Delivery Address, Email Address, Credit Card Details or Comments.
(Client Credit Card details are stored encrypted)


Room Transfer Transfer a Bar Tab – Table account or Cash sales to a Room account or to a 3rd party system.



Hand Held’s                        WiFi Hand Held (pocket PC).

Features                              All features of the ECR can be preformed on the Hand Held.



Client Account                   Add a Client’s details at the ECR.

Customer ID                       Search customer ID by caller ID, phone numbers, name or address.

Customer Details              Date of Birth, Phone (Cell Hm Work), Billing Address, Home Delivery Address, Email Address, Credit Card Details or Comments.
(Client Credit Card details are stored encrypted)

Scheduler                            Can schedule home delivery order by date and time and reoccurring      

Standing Order                 Schedule same order every week.

Service Type                      Select service Eat In – Pickup - Delivery

Service Info                         Stores date/time ordered – date/time pickup or date/time delivery time.

Last Order                           Brings up the last order on screen- add/delete an item. 

Past Orders                        Brings up a keyboard of all past items purchased.

Home Promotion              Assign a Home delivery to a promotion

Print Order                          Address Ph & Cell, time ordered, time pickup or delivery.  



Pizza Servings                   Graphically divides a Pizza into Half, Thirds, Quarters or Whole.

Pizza Base                           Select a Pizza Base  Thick – Thin – Original - Stuffed

Pizza Size                             Select a Pizza Size   Mini – Medium – Large - Jumbo

Toppings Split                   Select different Pizza Toppings by Half – 1/3 -1/4 - Slice   

Pizza Toppings                  Toppings selection per sizes with   No – Extra – Add – Swap

Text Instructions              Add a text instruction to a Pizza



Change Specials               Allows user to change the specials board
Change - PLU & Name
Change - Price                        
Change - Meal Comments/Recipes
Change - Forced/Selective and Text Condiments
Change - Printer Group
Change - Keyboard Button
Change - Sell Down & Stock

Print  Specials                    Allows user to printout the specials board

Add Logo                            Allows a restaurant to add its logo to the User screen.


Supports                             Support 8.4” to 15” LCD Displays via a secondary VGA port.


This advertising feature can operate standalone on the ECR without the need for a BACK OFFICE PC.


Feature for -                          Dry Cleaners - Goods Repair - Layaway – Return Item

Transaction ID                   Manual Alpha Numeric Transaction ID or Auto Sequential (in a defined range by ECR) ID number that creates a temporary account that can be recalled by the transaction ID to make payments at any time or notified of its return and when paid or returned the user is prompted to delete the account.

Date Tracking                    Date due for pickup or return



Transfer account              This temporary Transaction ID Account can also be transferred to an existing Client Account or used to create a new Client Account.




Printer ConfirmConfirmation of a print job and routing of print jobs to another printer due to printer failure.

Printing MethodsConsolidated or non consolidated items of service print out you can  even print 2 methods both ways.

Seat PrintingAll seats consolidated or non consolidated with seat numbering beside each item.


Reprint OrderReprint an order in Red so that the service provider knows it’s a reprint of an existing order.

Printer Groups Print Groups can be setup to print products in Group Order (Entrees First, Mains Second, Desserts last…..).

Products with forced modifiers (Rare Med Well Done) can display or print the order by time of preparation of the item.  

Printers can have multiple Print Groups assigned to it (for dual printing in different locations).

Printer Groups or Products can be diverted to another Printer due print failure or product changes.

A Product can share the same Printer Groups but can print to another Printer location.

Fix the order of Product Print job – EG  Rare Steaks print at the top before Medium or Well Done

Time Prep Order of Product Print job -  EG: Product prints in its Group by order of prep time (Time descending).    

Consolidated printing – for example if there are 5 Rumps ordered you can print as follows (3 options):

(EG 1)    5 x RUMP STEAK        
                     3 x WELL DONE
                        1 x MUSHROOM SAUCE
                        Seat 1
                        2 X PEPPER SAUCE
                        Seat 3,4
                    1 X MEDIUM
                        1 X DIANE SAUCE
                        Seat 2
                 1 X RARE
                        1 X GARLIC SAUCE
                        Seat 5


(EG 2)    5 x RUMP STEAK        
                  3 x WELL DONE
                       1 x MUSHROOM SAUCE  S-1
                       2 X PEPPER SAUCE  S-3,4
                 1 X MEDIUM
                      1 X DIANE SAUCE  S-2
                 1 X RARE
                      1 X GARLIC SAUCE S-5

(EG 3)    3 x RUMP STEAK        
                  WELL DONE
                     1 X MUSHROOM SAUCE  S-1
                     2 X PEPPER SAUCE  S-3,4
                    1 X DIANE SAUCE  S-2
                    1 X GARLIC SAUCE S-5



Video OrderingOrders are sent to Kitchen service terminals for preparation which displays Eat in or Out – Delivery -  Bump - Hold -  Average time to make, time taken to make– Poor Service Alert.



Periods                                                 Ending a Shift/Day/Week/Month/Year/Grand Total.

Reports By                          Sales – Table – Client – Stock – Cost – Labor Cost – Rewards & Points GP% - Time Attendance – Promotions.

Preset Reports                  By ECR, Department, PLU Group or PLU item.

All ECR Reports                                You can consolidate all sales reports from all other ECRs.

Time Reports                     Reports sales by time.

Report Selector                 Can select a report by user definable selection



Printer Support                 RS232 or WiFi Industry Standard 4”  receipt printers.

Barcode Scanner             Compatible with all RS232 Barcode Scanners.

Magnetic Card                   Supports a magnetic card reader tracks 1-2-3.

Credit/Debit  CardIntegrated interfaces available        


RFID                                      Supports internal and external RFDI readers.

Customer Display             Interface to standard RS232 Customer Displays.

Weight Scales                    Interface to standard RS232 Weigh Scales.

Sales SecurityExport sales data to any media recorder (camera).

Time/Date UpdateECR’s synchronize to the same time.

Smart Card                          Support for internal ECR smart card and external RS232 reader writer.

Net PointsCommunicates to 3rd party customer loyalty programs that issue and  redeem points for purchase. 

Web Support                      Allows access to the ECRs via the Web for setup, configuration and service support         

Reservations                      Open interface to all reservation software.

Management                      CSV interface to all Management and Accounting software.